Personal miracle reports

After 21 years, the consequences of sudden birth healed

5. February 2021

Dear Glory Life Team,

I contacted Andrea from your team at the Winterthur Conference and asked her to pray for every kind of abdominal pain. Due to sudden birthing 21 years ago, the mucous membranes in my lower abdomen tore and I suffered shock. This only happens once in a 1000 women. As a result of this, I continually suffered from gynaecological problems and consequently had to frequently see the gynaecologist because of thrush, infections, abnormal mentrual bleeding, bladder problems, hormone problems and many other problems including mucosal dryness, the whole works. The scar tissue was hardened which caused tension and pain. During prayer, the Lord revealed problems and curses on women in my bloodline! We broke the power and all the curses of the enemy in Jesus’ name, and I was delivered and set free by God in a powerful way.

After prayer my lower abdomen felt so light as though the Lord had terminated every ailment. He restored everything!
This feeling of freedom was so amazing, it felt like I had never suffered. I experienced a wellbeing like never before!

A prayer was also said for the cervical vertebra of another lady so I claimed it for myself too, and now my neck is free of tension. While hearing the sermon and teaching, I claimed in faith the healing of my varicose veins and they are now 65 % better than before.

I am so amazed at the Lord and at His work, His great kindness and compassion. What great testimonies to the world! I thank the Lord with all my heart for the miracles which are so great for me, and I thank Him for your wonderful service. May He bless your church with even greater glory and power.

God bless you!


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