Personal miracle reports

Abscess disappears – operation unnecessary

19. February 2021

Dear Glory Life Team, Dear Sisters and Brothers, Last Friday I was invited by a friend from a former prayer group to her birthday breakfast. Whilst still together the son of a friend of ours came from the doctor with a referral to hospital where he would be operated on that day.  According to the doctor an abscess had again developed which had been removed 5 days ago under full anesthetic. He was frustrated because he had especially come to Germany from Sicily where he was presently living to have the operation.  With the permission of the young man we prayed for him. While praying and setting the healing power free I could feel this supernatural power, sign or manifestation on my body just like I had felt in church on Sunday. At that moment I knew that our prayers would have effect. Actually on Thursday night in the School of Supernatural Life I had reached out for this power and received it. That same afternoon we got the news from our friend that in the hospital no abscess could be found and the operation therefore never took place.  At the subsequent daily check-ups only the healing process was confirmed. HALLELUJAJ. S.Nürtingen

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