Personal miracle reports

Liver values ​​improved – danger to life is averted and a transplant is not necessary

10. February 2021

Dear Pastors Irina and Georg,

I wish to give testimony and to thank you with all my heart for your prayers and support.
The history:
In September 2014 I had a total liver failure. The reason for his was that the immune system destroyed my liver due to an autoimmune disease which resulted in cirrhosis of the liver. At that time the doctors said my liver would only last a maximum of 2 years and that I should start thinking about having a liver transplantation. Already back then when everything was acute I talked to you Pastor Georg for a long time from the hospital. What I experienced after this phone call was indescribable.
I lay in my room and it was filled with colorful soap bubbles. The bubbles collected and formed a spiral, floated towards me and took a black “fuzz” from out of my body and then popped. There were about 10 bubbles left over which formed a circle, scanned the whole area and then popped. The whole thing took about 40 minutes. The following day the doctors informed me that, by some miracle, my liver values were so good that I could go home.
In the years following I experienced another two liver failures which I got over pretty quickly through your prayers, the Healing Rooms and on Sundays I always stretched out to receive my healing. My faith that Jesus is the best doctor and sickness cannot be part of me always strengthened me.
Of course I also kept to the rules pertaining to this sickness: no alcohol, healthy nutrition, taking extra vitamins and minerals, good thoughts, hygiene, exercise and hanging out with the right people.
I enjoyed the message you preached last Sunday – letting go of the old so that the new can have space to shape our future, having a vision and not focusing on illness.
Now in 2019:
At the beginning of the year I had an appointment for a checkup. My liver values weren’t bad but not the best. I was really surprised when the professor told me that I should either have a liver transplant or die. I answered that I must then die. I happen to know that there is another way but the professor wouldn’t understand that. He was speechless and the reaction was that I have to be hospitalized in order to be examined for the purpose of a transplant.
On the Sunday before hospital admittance, Pastor Georg prayed for me at church.
The result:
My liver is unchanged – not worse but not better. My other organs, however, are all 100% top and functioning normally which the doctors did not expect. There are no consequential damages – yahoo! As a result a transplant is not necessary. Thank you Jesus – I know that God has prepared a lot for me and I look forward to the time that is coming. And there is no room for sickness – thank you!!!
Thank you and best regards,

Folge uns

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