Dec 21, 2022 | Personal miracle reports
When I was emptying the dishwasher a few days ago in the evening, I stupidly touched the potato peeler on the cutting edge and when I took it out, I cut myself on the finger, so that a wider wound in the flesh gaped apart. This, of course, bled accordingly. I prayed...
Dec 20, 2022 | Personal miracle reports
Hello dear ones, Last week was my spiritual birthday (5 years since my salvation) and I asked the Lord if He had a gift for me…. In the evening I received the following message: Good evening, can you help me? At the moment I have severe pain in my lower back on...
Dec 1, 2022 | Personal miracle reports
We were on vacation in France on the Atlantic coast. My sister-in-law invited us to a service in the small reformed church where she lived. There were only 30-40 older people in the building. Our inner vision has long been to bring back to life the heritage of the...
Dec 1, 2022 | Personal miracle reports
Dear congregation, in the special healing service last Saturday my aching knee was healed – but not only that: Pastor George also prayed for my locomotor system to come into divine order. I can walk upright again and my hollow back has straightened. It is a joy...
Dec 1, 2022 | Personal miracle reports
Dear Pastor George, Just now I was saying the prayer of salvation and at that moment a dove came to my window. All these years a dove never came to my window. But when I finished saying the prayer, the dove came to my window. I see this as a sign of Jesus; Jesus...