Personal miracle reports

The end to loss of hair and hot flashes!

4. June 2021

My Dear Family,
With me an antidote for the change-of-life was found.
I was plagued with hot flashes and they are now a thing of the past, yahoooo! For those men who do not know what the ladies have to put up with – the body starts to heat up and sweat as though one had been thrown into the cooking pot. Afterwards it’s the other way around – it’s as though you’ve been put in a fridge and then the body eventually returns to normal temperature. All this can happen quite a few times within the space of one hour and happens also during the night, and it’s not funny.
Because of all this I went to the gynae beginning of 2013 and he recommended hormones (which have adverse effects, including cancer). After taking the hormones for 2 months I decided to change over to natural medicine. As a result within one month my problems returned and my hair started to fall out.
The Healing Team prayed for all this. To begin with my hair stopped falling out which I didn’t even notice. And then suddenly I thought, “Wow, my hair isn’t falling out!”
And the same thing happened with the hot flashes. Since the beginning of January they have disappeared!
This is the best present for 2014! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU JESUS!
With love, G.V.

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