Personal miracle reports

Movement disability of the shoulder heals – pain in the gall bladder disappears

12. February 2021

On 10 June 2018 the four of us drove full of expectation to the Glory and Miracle Service from Kiel to Hamburg. 

I remembered that I should define the miracle I wish for before I am able to receive it. What kind of miracle did I want?
The miracle I hoped forwas to be able to move my arms freely again – I needed healing of my collar bone, shoulder blades and upper arm. I also expected other miracles like eye correction and no more pain in the gall bladder,as well as deliverance from annoyance and a bad temper, liberation from infertility/spinsterhood.

During praise and worship the presence of God became powerful and I felt a joyful anticipation for my miracles. During Pastor Georg’s sermon Jesus Christ gave me a miracle. I suddenly felt freedom in my shoulders and collar bone. I was usually unable to lift up my arms in worship but now I could lift them right up without any resistance – what a feeling – indescribable – I could hardly believe it.
When Pastor Georg laid his hand on my eyes a dark tunnel came towards me and a flash followed that went right through my body. I opened my eyes and was able to see the world somewhat clearer than before. I could even feel the Holy Spirit operating with eyes open.
The pain in the gall bladder/liver disappeared.Pastor Georg said I am a walking miracle and in the meantime I know how great the power of God is when he puts His light on in dark places.
The healing process often follows afterwards. Emotions of fear and sadness began to leave me followed by being able to process trauma.
I am sure that God is using Georg and Irina Karl for the acceleration of revival.
Jesus still asks the question, “What do you want? Ask and it will be given to you.”
Gratitude and joy as well as humbleness fill my heart for the immeasurable possibilities that God has to offer us.

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