Miracle news

Miracle news July 2012

31. July 2012

Many, many people experienced amazing spiritual, psychological and physical breakthroughs at the Miracle Weekend in Stuttgart on 21st and 22nd July.
Here only a few examples:
-A youth had a twisted leg from the hips down and could only walk with extreme difficulty. During the Miracle Weekend God turned the leg into the correct position and the youth was able to walk normally!
-A lady only had 20 % hearing ability in both ears. After the laying on of hands she could, without hearing aids, hear soft whispering from the back of the room!
-Several people experienced being healed of various visual disorders e.g. long-sightedness, short-sightedness and cataracts. 
-Many people experienced the complete release of pain in various bodily areas, some were healed from movement disabilities and some with breathing disorders. 
-Many people experienced personal breakthroughs, being set free from physiological hurts and from fears. Some are experiencing a new dimension in their personal lives. 

-A young man had over 20 warts on his hands and had prayer with laying on of hands for this. A few days later his hands suddenly became hot and all the warts started to just fall off!

-A young lady learned that her vision had weakened from 1.5 to approx. 5.5 diopter. A short time after she had attended the Word & Spirit Stuttgart Miracle Service she realised that she was able to see normally without her spectacles! She has not needed her glasses since!

-The glory and power of miracles manifested during the church service in Deggendorf on the 4th of July – it was an amazing power explosion!
Many, many people were spontaneously healed526rdquo; reached the boss and it was obvious to all that he often tried to get close to the healer, walking up and down passed him for no reason, staring at him without saying a word…

-A lady received a devastating diagnosis after having X-rays done at the dentist: Four of her teeth had huge cavities and cracks (the cracks were as a result of grinding her teeth at night). She also had a root fracture. She was given the estimation of costs for the shortfall and it wasn’t a small amount.
On the Sunday at the Healing Service she had hands laid on her jaw. Three days later she went to another dentist and had her teeth examined and X-rayed.
Result: no cavities, no cracks and no fractured root! Her teeth were in good condition! When the dentist was shown the diagnosis from the previous examination he said that the dentist must be a crook . . . but we know better . . . !

– A young girl’s leg was 3 cm shorter because of the removal of a tumour and she witnessed seeing her leg grow to the correct length!
– The same girl had a limited range of vision. After the laying on of hands her vision was normal and this was confirmed by various tests!

– A boy was limping because he had hurt himself whilst jumping on a trampoline. This child was in the Sunday School class 2 stories above the hall where the church service was being held. When the pastor set healing free for ankles and joints the youngster upstairs felt a tingling in his foot. The next day the mother caught him jumping on the trampoline (this had been forbidden because of his injury). She told him off but he said, “Mom, yesterday God healed me when Pastor Georg set the healing power free! I’m not limping anymore and the pain has gone.” And so it was…

– Report from the last miracle church service in April: a man had cancer in his colon0years and this was also healed…


– A lady in our church had 3 complicated breaks in the upper foot as well as a calcaneus fracture in the same foot. She received prayer during the normal medical treatment and at the end of the therapy went for the final appointment to the doctor. He was amazed that the foot had no deformation and even asked if she was showing the correct foot. She then was told to make certain movements with her foot and she managed them all. The doctor said she was very lucky and sent her for an X-ray in order to wrap up the case. He was again very surprised and said that it was unbelievable because the bones showed no scars! 

-Someone from the church met a young man “by chance” who had a stiff and painful finger which had been screwed together after an accident. It was still in danger of being amputated. The young man asked if he could pray for the finger. After receiving permission he laid his hand on the finger. The hand became hot and the injured man screamed out and could then move his finger normally without any pain!

-After the Miracle Weekend on the 16th/17th June many people reported how God healed people in their social circle – the miracle power of God had multiplied!

-Very many great breakthroughs happened during the Miracle Weekend on the 16th/17th June in Stuttgart: acute pain in all possible body parts, all kinds of movement disabilities, vision problems and deafness, asthma etc. were either completely healed or greatly improved. Miracles happened and the power of God was even effective in the lives of people who were not present. 

*A man who had been dependant on a hearing aid for years could hear perfectly without! 

*A man suffering from MS received new Life through Jesus Christ and was able to walk without his stick which he hadn’t been able to do for a long time.

*A lot of people’s vision improved considerably!

*A lady had a lot of pressure in her knee pit as a result of the removal of the anterior knee ligament. After the laying on of hands there was no longer any pressure and she could move it without pain!

*A lady had acute knee and back problems. After the laying on of hands she could move freely without pain!

*A lady had acute back pain and a swollen thigh. After prayer the pain disappeared and the swelling on the thigh went down!

*A young lady had pain in her hand and couldn’t make a fist. After the laying on of hands the pain left and she was able to move her hand freely.

*A physiotherapist from the Essen/Ruhrgebiet that was present at the Miracle Weekend had a young patient with facial paralysis. The doctors were unable to help him. As a result of the setting free of the miracle working power of God during the Miracle Weekend it was later reported that during this particular time this face was healed. The boss at the practice said it was an absolute miracle… 
– A lady was unable to have children as a result of gynecological problems. She also suffered a lot of pain in this area. During the Miracle Weekend in April the pain left her and 6 weeks later she was pregnant!

– Miracles exploded in all areas during the Miracle Service in Deggendorf: dozens of people were spontaneously freed of pain, freed of restricted movement and from disorders in the limbs, joints and organs. Body parts were healed and many received the brand new life in Christ! Ulcers and tumours shrunk and all sorts of sicknesses left. People were touched and moved by God personally through words of knowledge. It was a unique festival of Love and Life!

*A man was completely blind in one eye. After the laying on of hands he received a field of vision in his blind eye and could see everything through it again!

*A lady had acute pain for years in her back and legs. The power of God touched her powerfully and the complaints completely left her.

*Another lady had acute pain for years in her feet and as a result could no longer walk properly. After a word of knowledge the pain left her completely and she hopped and sprang around. As a result many other people were healed of similar complaints. 

*A lady was healed from deafness and also breathing difficulties. 

*A whole family, including granny, travelled to us from Slovakia. Each and every one of them experienced, in their different areas, the healing and liberating power of God.

-A lady suffered for 20 years from acute alcoholism and managed to keep it a secret. Thirteen weeks ago she came to Pastor Georg at a Miracle Weekend Service in Deggendorf and brought it to light. She let herself be set free. Since then she’s totally free from wanting alcohol – even when people get pushy. 

-A young lady had a continual period. After Pastor Georg prayed for her (about 6 weeks ago) the bleeding stopped and hasn’t come back since then. She also had a broken toe which she had examined 2 days after the meeting: the result was that the toe was healed!

-As a result of an accident a lady could hardly walk because her spine and hips had been displaced by 2 cm. This caused discomfort and very bad pain. About 2 months ago in the Miracle Service in Deggendorf God regulated the spine so that, after a medical examination, instead of the 2 cm displacement she only had 0.5 cm displacement! The problems were much alleviated and she also no longer needed a modified shoe.

-A young lady had been on strong psychiatric drugs for years; she didn’t manage a vocational training and no therapy had until now been able to help her. In January she came to a Miracle Weekend in Stuttgart and was set free. Since then she doesn’t need medication and remains stable. Her life is now taking an upward trend.
-A lady had to take medication for high blood pressure. After she came to the Miracle Service her blood pressure became normal and she no longer had to take the medicine. Since then (4 months now) her blood pressure values have remained normal.
During the service her son was completely healed of conjunctivitis.

-A lady had acute pain in her joints for a long time. After the laying on of hands this disappeared completely!

-A whole lot of different healings and miracles took place in the Miracle Service on 20.05.2012!
All kinds of pain disappeared immediately, dots, haze and “stars” before the eyes were immediately healed. Moveability in the shoulders, legs, back, neck etc. were visibly restored or improved; slipped discs went back to their original positions; physiological mental blockages were terminated – every single need was served by the mighty power and glory of God – an unforgettable day – one as it is in heaven! 

-During Sunday School the teacher spoke to the children about miracles and all the things that are possible for those in Christ. She then said to them: let us all pray for my purse, that the money in it multiplies! After the children had checked as to how much cash was in the purse (€30), they prayed for more. The teacher wanted to just put her purse on the side but the children said: “We first have to look and see if more money is in your purse!” They opened the purse and lo and behold there was now €40 in it!!! They were overjoyed!
Afterwards the children joyfully told their parents about what they had experienced in Sunday School.
-A lady had not been able to eat for weeks and until recently couldn’t drink. Her gastrointestinal tract had closed. Recently she suffered from a circulatory collapse. Since she received prayer over the Miracle Weekend she is now able to eat and drink normally!

-A whole lot of different healings and spectacular miracles again took place in the Miracle Service on 2nd May 2012 in Deggendorf:
Pain and restricted moveability in the knees, shoulders, backs, elbows, legs, sciatica etc. was removed from many people who were present at the meeting. People were set free from addictions and filled with the Holy Spirit; eye and ear malfunctions were healed by the power of God, tendons grew together, bones were aligned, breaks healed – the people present experienced an explosion of God’s healing and miracle power!
Some testimonies:
– Since birth a man was completely deaf (60 years) and after the laying on of hands could hear perfectly from a distance of 20 meters!

– A lady was completely healed of double vision and black dots on the retina!

– Another man had acute hearing problems and could only hear scraps of conversation and then couldn’t put it together. He therefore was very restricted in his social life. After the laying on of hands he could hear completely normally!

– A thrombosis behind the ear disappeared.

– A lady was completely blind in one eye and after the laying on of hands could see everything within a certain radius!

– A lady suffered for quite some time with a permanent tremor in her arm and hand, and was going to be examined for Parkinsons.  After a short command in the power of God the tremor ceased immediately!

– A lady suffered from chronic nerve pain on her left side from her head to her toe and was freed of this!

And much more!

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