Personal miracle reports

Lump on the head dissolves

17. February 2021

ear Pastor Georg,
I prayed for Ms B three months ago because she had a lump on her head. She gave me a call because her doctor had said that the lump is growing inwards and he has to keep an eye on it.
After prayer she went to another doctor who said it should be surgically removed for which she made an appointment. The shortfall for this procedure was €130.
Her husband said she should just trust God. She acted on this, saying to God, “This cannot be possible that I should pay €130 for surgery when I could use it for something better.”
Three weeks later the lump started to get smaller. Recently she was at the hairdresser and asked if the lump could still be seen. The hairdresser said that the lump was gone and that she can only see that there was once something there. Yoohoo!
Best regards,
Astrid – Glory Life Telephone Service

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