Personal miracle reports

Lady healed from back problems

10. February 2021

Dear Pastor Georg,

I was the carer for an elderly couple. On the one day when the nurse from the nursing service arrived, she was crying. I put my arm around her. She didn’t want to talk and could only bend under extreme pain. The Holy Spirit said to me, “Pray for her back and tell it to line up into God’s order.” I asked what her problem was and if I may pray. She said she had acute pain and I can pray. I laid my hand on her back and during the prayer I suddenly felt my hand shift and power flowed in. The nurse said it felt like a rod had entered her back, the pain ceased and she was able to stand up straight. She laughed and was thankful Jesus healed her, and that she won’t have to take sick leave.
I gave her a verse from the Bible about healing that she can refer to as a promise for her healing.
Thank you Jesus for healing this lady.
Best regards,


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