Personal miracle reports

Heavenly choir accompanies drive

23. April 2021

Dear Georg,
Like nearly everyone I experienced the most wonderful
things over the Pentecost weekend. I wish to share one of them with you: On my way home on Friday I heard for the first time “angel music”. To the right in the front of my car I heard a whole choir with such a heavenly soft but such clear voices that I find it difficult to describe. I was a bit confused and thought I had my window open and was hearing a new driving noise. I then looked to see if the radio was on but it wasn’t. The heavenly music lasted until I got to Tubingen and then it stopped.
On Saturday night the same happened. I got in my car and drove off and I heard the heavenly choir again! After a while I could sing with them – the same verses were continually repeated. It was indescribable!! This time it continued through half of Tubingen and then it started again in Herrenberg. So beautiful!!!!

M. J.

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