Personal miracle reports

Great miracles of reconciliation and healing during the conference

14. June 2023

Dear Pastor Georg, dear team,
In spite of all the attacks of the enemy who tried to prevent us from coming to your conference, we were able to experience great things at this conference and afterwards!

Our oldest daughter experienced tremendous healing and revival of family relationships during this conference weekend! She had flown to South Korea with her Korean husband and four children to meet her husband’s family members whom she had never seen. Her husband, son of a Korean missionary couple from the Yonggi Cho church, lost both parents and contact with the family there at the age of 14. They had withdrawn from the faith after this tragic event! Our God did a great miracle of reconciliation there by returning the hearts of the fathers to the sons and the hearts of the sons to their fathers!

Our niece, who was medically hopeless, was transferred yesterday from the intensive care unit, against all the prognosis of the doctors, to normal care! A miracle of prayers uplifted!

This conference was for all of us, like an infusion, a reactivation of the new with deactivation of the old, an exchange of blood with new wine of life, fresh oil of joy and holy fire of purification, a call to full surrender!!!
Continue to be tremendously blessed! M. and C.G.

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