Personal miracle reports

Four year old girl with multiple bone fracture (bone disease) is healed supernaturally + time reduction miracle

10. February 2021

Dear Glory Life Team,

We were at the conference held at the beginning of March and we were encouraged to share and write down what we have experienced with God. We bought a book in which we record all our miracles.
During the last few weeks we have experienced soooo much with God that we wish to tell you some of them.
When we got home after the conference our two children went down sick. We dismissed the sickness from us and the following day they were again fit and well.
Our youngest daughter is four years old and has a bone disease. She broke her thigh bone last year in spring. She had to learn to walk again which she found very difficult. We were very happy if she managed 500 yards. On the same leg she broke the lower leg bones last year in October. The thigh break never healed properly and the doctors said that she would break it again soon. We, however, stuck to God’s promises and not to what the doctors had to say. She once more had to learn to walk again – she could only walk a few yards without pain.
God has done something great. Over the last 2 weeks she has been able to walk almost a mile without complaining of pain. She hops and runs, climbs and jumps. It is as though she wants to make up for the lost time of last year. Seeing her joy moves us deeply.
Us parents are also experiencing how daily our wounds heal from shock because of the accidents and how we can place them without worrying into God’s hands.
On Thursday I had to go with R. to have her bone density measured. The values had improved! Hallelujah! The doctor was astonished to see how well I looked. I also have great joy and I praise God that His influence on me is visible to others.
My husband also had a time-reduction miracle. He overslept one morning and only had 20 minutes to milk the cows (he usually needed 40) before the truck picked up the milk. God stopped time and he was able to milk all the cows in peace and was ready when the truck came. Thank you Lord!
Heartfelt greeting,
R. and M.H.

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