Personal miracle reports

Check-out girl healed from backache

12. February 2021

Hi Pastors Irina and Georg,

I have a great testimony.
While standing in the queue at the supermarket I overheard that the check-out girl was in acute pain because of a slipped disc. She tried to stand up but the pain stopped her. When I was paying I briefly told her the gospel and a personal testimonythat my back was healed which I had also testified of during a Glory Life church service. I said a short prayer for her – our chat took about 1 to 2 minutes.I then went home. A few days later I was at the same supermarket to see what God had done with the check-out girl. I met her putting things on the shelves. She assured me that she no longer had any pain.Hallelujah thank you Father. He loves the people. God is great.

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