It was a huge privilege, to train hundreds of hungry sons and daughters of God from all of Scandinavia for revival, and therefore activate them for a supernatural lifestyle that manifests the glory of God here on the earth! Many miracles have happened during the activation as well as in the evangelistic healing service at night (together with Katherine Ruonala). And on top of it this morning: A...
Encounter-Weekend January, 17th-18th 2025 in Bad Boll
We have just finished two extremely powerful “Encounter Retreat” days in Bad Boll - the place where Christoph Blumhardt pioneered deliverance and healing in the 19th century. So many people experienced how God cleansed and delivered their souls and healed their bodies. Extremely powerful times in the glory and with the power of the Holy Spirit - We truly experienced open heavens and the miracles...
Conference “Worship&Miracles” 22nd-24th November 2024 at Glory Life Zentrum
A few more impressions from this extraordinary weekend with Katie Souza, Steve Swanson, Glory Life Worship, Pastor Georg and Irina Karl and many other wonderful servants of God. A life-changing experience ! Thank you Jesus, and thank you all the co-workers and staff members, who have made this possible
“Gloire et Réveil! – Paris/France 10th and 11st November 2024
A super amazing time in Paris at the "Gloire et Réveil" conference with so many powerful men and women of God and over a thousand hungry sons and daughters of God.
“The sons of Glory coming”! – St. Pölten/Austria October 26th 2024
Sanctuary and overflow space were full to bursting on this day of training and activation in the glory in St. Pölten/Austria! Many wonderful, some of them creative miracles happened (humpback disappeared, partly deaf ear opened, curved spine straightened, shattered foot healed and so much more). At the same time, we experienced a powerful outpouring of God's love. The Father cleansed, touched,...
“The sons of Glory II – Advanced”! – Suisse/October 19th 2024
“The sons of glory II - ADVANCED!” - An amazing day of activation and empowerment in Switzerland (Campus Sursee) lies behind us! God does not change this world primarily through angels - but through his children! Especially through those who have become aware of what is available to them through Jesus and who allow themselves to be activated by the Holy Spirit, in and from the glory of God, to...
Trip to the synagogue/Stuttgart
Glory Life trip to the synagogue in Stuttgart with guided tour - an exciting journey back to our roots Lord bless and protect your people
Impressions from our weekend “Sons of Glory – Favorites of the Father” October 5th 2024
Such a powerful time in the river of the Father’s love - miracle after miracle, transformed hearts, salvations! Thank you, Jesus and: More, Lord!
Youth Weekend (28th-30th July 2024)
Our long-awaited Connected youth weekend with our teenagers and young adults in Kleinwalsertal/Austria finally took place last weekend ⛰☀️We had a great time hiking, barbecuing and mountain carting. In addition to all the exciting activities, we took time for God and dived deeper into the Glory of God - in keeping with the motto of our weekend "Be filled with the Spirit!" according to Ephesians...
Pentecost Conference 2024
God set important spiritual courses at this year's Pentecost Conference with Bobby Conner, Pierrot Fey, Georg & Irina Karl - and He also confirmed His Word through mighty signs and wonders! We are eternally grateful for this powerful time in the glory of God as well as for the fellowship and the many personal encounters, spiritual connections and of course also for the many salvations that...
Connected-Worship-Night (26th April 2024)
On Friday evening, our first Connected Worship Night for all 13-25 year olds took place at our Glory Life Center in Filderstadt! After a Shabbat celebration with our friends from the Messianic Jewish community in Stuttgart, we danced and praised God, led by our youth band and our Ukrainian friends. Powerful short impulses and time of fellowship with snacks and drinks rounded off this successful...
The Sons of Glory are coming! – in Switzerland, May 9th 2024
Glory Life Conference Day in Switzerland ! The hall in Hinwil was well filled on today's "Ascension Day" with hungry sons and daughters of God who fully absorbed the teaching and activation and allowed themselves to be trained for a supernatural glory life.... What an awesome day - thank you Jesus!
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