Personal miracle reports

Business carries on despite blocked account

10. February 2021

Hello Dear Pastor Georg,

My account for employment ads is blocked at the moment because I am unable to pay my account. For a few days I have been praying, resisted the enemy and demanded my needs that tenants and guests come and nothing is held back.
Today, via the advertising platform in which I am blocked and my offers deactivated, a request for free rooms came in. It is humanly impossible for this to happen – I checked the ads and mine was not amongst them. This is so supernatural! Halleluljah, thank you Jesus. He is our provider – I have spoken that out again and again and He takes care of us supernaturally…
Thank you Jesus. He is the victor, He is our king and all honor goes to him….:)……:)
Thanks for your service! I wish you the best and most wonderful time.

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