Great Revival-Weekend with Werner Nachtigal, Jean-Luc Trachsel and Georg & Irina Karl

We are in the midst of a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit – the (spiritual) space of pentecost is wide open and anyone who is hungry and thirsty can come and fill up on heavenly power to overflowing!

This power, in turn, enables us, according to the word of God, both to take our stand in life against the darkness of this world in love and authority, and to share the glorious message of the gospel without fear and full of joy, calling the lost into the kingdom of God. Millions of people, even whole nations, are still to become disciples according to Jesus’ command before the end comes and God brings this age to a close.

Therefore, we want to gather this weekend from all over central Europe to drink of the Holy Spirit, to be equipped for our great mission, and to follow Jesus’ call to enter into this mission in a very practical way.

Free registration

Werner Nachtigal is an evangelist with a passion for reaching people with the gospel and training the body of Christ in personal evangelism. He is the leader of the ministry “no limit” and the initiator and president of Global Outreach Day, through which millions of christians worldwide have been mobilized to share their faith.



Jean-Luc Trachsel is president of the International Association of Healing Ministries (IAHM) and the main proponent of the vision “Europe shall be saved”. As an international preacher, he has traveled to more than eighty countries on all five continents, proclaiming the Gospel in all kinds of situations and circumstances. His sense of the Holy Spirit enables the manifestation of the supernatural with signs, wonders, healings and salvation.



Pastors Georg & Irina Karl are leaders of the Glory Life Network and Glory Harvest International and have been experiencing per-manently open skies in their meetings for several years, under which spectacular miracles of all kinds accompany the preaching of God’s Word in large numbers, so that people are permanently transformed spiritually, mentally and physically and take their realm as sons and daughters of God. Pastor Georg is also the author of “Journey into Glory” and three other books that have been widely distributed.