Glory Revival Weekend with Katherine Ruonala and Georg & Irina Karl

“Out of the glory into the harvest!” –  this was the message God gave Pastor Georg Karl in a vision a few years ago.

In our days God draws people together who are hungry for God in order to experience the dimension of His mighty glory together (e.g. on this weekend in July!)! 

Forever transformed and inflamed by the love of God, they go out to carry this glory wherever God sends them. 

These “sons of glory” (men and women) trust Jesus’ promise, that He Himself will confirm their ministry to humanity so that powerful signs, miracles and healings will accompany them – and many people will be won for God and His kingdom and become determined disciples of Jesus everywhere in society.

So join us for this weekend, where we will dive together into the supernatural dimensions of God’s glory and bring His power to the people around us!

Free registration: Link

Free entrance to the event. A voluntary donation will be taken.

Places where you can have lunch or dinner are posted on the bulletin board in the church.


Katherine Ruonala has a prophetic and healing ministry and travels internationally to bring the message of love and hope to the nations. Through her miraculous anointing, many people are instantly healed in her meetings. In addition, her ministry is characterized by igniting the fire of revival and bringing a new passion in the hearts of believers to deepen their relationship with God.


Hourly Schedule

Friday, 19th July

7 PM -
Session 1

Saturday, 20th July

10 AM -
Session 2
2 PM -
Evangelism Outreach - Stuttgart City
7 PM -
Session 3

Sunday, 21st July

10 AM -
Session 4