Glory- and Activation weekend “The reign of the sons” with Pastor (Rabbi) Boris Grisenko and Pastor Georg & Irina Karl

It has never been more urgent for the spirit of revival that draws people to faith in Jesus to be released anew in our nations!

Who are the key people for this “movement of greater glory” that is already breaking in?

Those who have become sons of God (male and female) through the new birth in Jesus.

According to Zechariah 3:7, these sons have permanent access to the glory as well as to the throne and judgment halls of God, from where they can exercise authority both in the church and in the world. Romans 5:17 teaches us that they are destined for spiritual “ reign” in all areas of life.

On this weekend, we want to let what this means sink deep into our spirit and at the same time activate it in a very concrete way!

Are you ready to take your place in God’s “glory and revival army” for these end times?

Then don’t miss this unique opportunity to be equipped and join us live!

Registration is required for the live visit via the following link: Anmeldung