Pentecost conference “Face to face”

With brother Yun, Joshua Mills, Georg Karl (speaker) and others and Irina Karl, Marco Schulz and others (worship)

Bruder Yun has a breathtaking personal story to tell of tremendous revival breakthroughs as well as fierce persecution in Communist China. In 1997, God absolutely supernaturally took him out of a maximum security prison and brought him to Germany. Today, Brother Yun is a sought-after speaker for the Chinese church as well as the inspirer of the worldwide active missionary movement “Back to Jerusalem”, through which much fruit has already been produced in recent years. There are several books which contain Brother Yun’s life story as well as his message, e.g. “Heavenly Man” (Brunnen Verlag).
Joshua Mills (Canada) is a man of unusual signs and wonders who moves in
extremely high levels of the glory of God in Jesus. Besides spectacular
healings of all kinds, he experiences many other “unusual signs and wonders”.
signs and wonders.” He is also the author of several books as well as a musician who has
has written hundreds of worship songs.

Pastors Georg & Irina Karl are leaders of the Glory Life Network and Glory Harvest International and have been experiencing permanently open skies in their meetings for several years, under which spectacular miracles of all kinds accompany the preaching of God’s Word in large numbers, so that people are permanently transformed spiritually, mentally and physically and take their place as sons and daughters of God. Pastor George is also the author of Journey to Glory and three other widely read books.

Hourly Schedule


7:00 pm -


10:30 am -
3:00 pm -
7:00 pm -


10:00 am -