Glory and miracle weekend Stuttgart

Since 2010, Irina and Georg Karl have been experiencing a constant and increasing outpouring of the glory and miracle power of God in their ministry.

Thousands of people have already been healed and delivered from all kinds of sicknesses, infirmities and needs through sometimes extremely spectacular miracles!

As 2000 years ago with Jesus they experience: The lame walk, the blind see, the deaf hear…. Cancer patients become healthy, tumors disappear, nerves, bones, muscles, tissues, etc. are supernaturally formed new or are rejoined, metal parts dissolve, people lose fat supernaturally and much more…

The love of God reveals itself in an absolutely amazing and wonderful way in all areas of life!

Therefore: Be invated to this special glory and miracle weekend!

For the special healing service on suterday, registration is required: Klick

Hourly Schedule

Saturday, December 5th

3:30 pm -
Healing service
Registration required by mail to:

Sunday, December 6th

10 am -
Glory and miracle service