Conference with Katie Souza (US), Pastor Georg + Irina Karl (D) and Steve Swanson (US)

It has never been more important than in this time that sons and daughters of God who have been redeemed, healed, freed and made strong by Jesus fill this world with the mighty and all-changing Glory of God! The prophet Isaiah said: “For behold, darkness covers the earth and darkness the nations, but the Lord shines upon you and his glory appears over you! We believe with all our hearts that God’s Glory shining through His people is the answer to the needs and problems of this world, and we are full of expectation that God will pour out His Spirit in a mighty way this weekend! A call is going out across Europe to those who believe God and are hungry for the outpouring of His Spirit:

Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, that he may teach us by his ways and that we may walk in his paths! (Isa 2:3)

If not now, then when?

Our guests:

Katie Souza (USA) has been a career criminal for most of her life. While serving her final prison sentence, Katie encountered God in a way that dramatically changed her life. She immediately became an avid follower of Jesus, and her contagious love for Him led many women on her cell block to accept Him as their Savior.
Meanwhile, Katie has had an international ministry for years, marked by extraordinary signs and wonders, spectacular deliverances of the soul, and much fresh revelation from the Word of God. Katie writes, preaches, and produces a television program that is broadcast worldwide. She also continues to minister in prisons.


Steve Swanson (USA) serves in worship worldwide and has led people into the glory of God at many prominent conferences with his unique sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and through his extraordinary musical talent. Steve has released over 20 worship CDs.


Free entrance to the event. A voluntary donation will be taken.

All events will be simultaneously translated into English and Ukrainian/Russian – the translation can be received on your own cell phone.
If you or your friends need translation, you can shorten the waiting time on site by doing two things:
1) Download the App “Sennheiser MobileConnect”

2) Bring your own headphones


Places where you can have lunch or dinner are posted on the bulletin board in the church.