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Glory houses
Experience the glory of God in your local area at various locations in a small group setting: Worship, Word of God, Healing & Deliverance, Fellowship. Personally experience the love of God. Refuel with strength. Receive miracles. Be inspired and motivated in good fellowship. A whole new way of life is waiting to be discovered by you…Everyone is welcome – no matter what religious, cultural or ethnic background.
Glory Life school
Be equipped to be a supernatural world changer.
Living in and out of the glory of God – activated in the supernatural – grounded in the Word of God!
A school with unique focus:
1. To build an awareness of what it means to live in and out of the glory of the Father in Christ Jesus.
2. to inspire and personally activate the sons and daughters of God for a supernatural lifestyle.
3. to lay a solid biblical foundation for this “glory life”, firmly anchored in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, that is in the fully accomplished substitutionary work of Jesus on the cross, as well as in personal discipleship
For more information, visit the Glory Life School website.
Prayer for the sick
We like to pray for the sick because we love to be in the front row when Jesus is at work.
After the service: Every Sunday, immediately after the service, there is an opportunity to have the healing team pray for you.
Healing Hotline: Every Sunday following the service, the Healing Hotline is active for one hour. You can also call the Glory Life Center for counseling and prayer at the following times:
Monday: 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. | 5 – 6 p.m.
Wednesday: 7 – 8 p.m.
Thursday: 5 – 6 p.m.
Friday: 2 – 4:30 p.m.
Saturday: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Phone: +49 (0) 7158 175810
Visiting Service: Our healing team is also willing to pray for you at your home if you are unable to come to the service for health reasons.
Young Couples and Families
For young married couples and families with minor children – these meetings take place after Sunday service (childcare is provided during the meeting!).
Biblical input and exchange around family life.
If you have any questions, please contact Christian or Moni Schilling.

Connected - The Glory Life Youth movement
Be part of a movement of supernatural world changers!
God created you for such a time as this to make a difference. Connect with others your age who have the same drive and hunger. Plus, experience God in a personal way!
With powerful worship times, empowering fellowship, and meaty input from the Word of God….Come on by!
The Connected meetings are held regularly on Friday nights and are led by Christian, Tobias, Valerie and Josua.
Young adults
Work and career, marriage and family, friends and leisure time, there are many areas in our lives where we have to set the course. In all of this, we want to focus on Jesus together, because from Him we get all the inspiration, encouragement and guidance we need.
In Tobias we have a motivated leader who believes in us. Not because of what we have to offer, but because of what Jesus can do in each of us. You too are welcome to join us!
Children's Ministry
Sunday mornings at the Glory Life Center are not only for the adults. There are four age groups for children in total: The Bliss Kids from ages 0-2, The Joy Kids from ages 3-7, The Love Kids from ages 8-12, and the Glory Kids from age 13 until the kids decide to go to the main worship service.
It is important to us staff that the kids find a deeper relationship with their Daddy God through our ministry and get to experience a heavenly and wonder-filled morning just like the adults!
Currently, we are about 20 staff members, and we always pray for new interested co-workers. So, if you’d like to check it out or think the children’s ministry would be just right for you, please feel free to contact Christian Schilling.
Glory Business Lounge
Glory Business Lounge with Pastor Georg & Christian Schilling.
- For all business people, employees and all who have it on their heart from the Lord to make a difference in their business environment.
- With spiritual inputs, exchange with other sons and daughters of glory, prayer, activations and impartation around the topic of business.
Outreach Team
What we experience with God is not limited to one service or one place. Our outreach team goes out into the streets regularly so that everyone can have the opportunity to learn about Jesus and experience HIM.
You would like to be a part of it? Then please contact Astrid or Manuela.
Prayer Teams
We believe in the effectiveness of prayer and experience constantly and in many ways how God’s promises come into visibility through prayer and proclamation.
Various prayer teams meet regularly to pray for the body of Christ, the world, and personal prayer requests.
24×7 Prayer
After we had the impression to start a 24 hours prayer, it did not take a month until all 168 hours of the week were filled. Hunger for more of God, hunger to see HIS kingdom become visible on earth and hunger to meet HIM and get to know HIM more and more drive us.
If this is what your heart is burning for, then we would like to invite you to become a part of our 24×7 prayer team.