About Glory Life
Leadership Glory Life Network

Georg and Irina Karl have been married and serving Jesus full-time for more than 29 years.
Initially, they studied theology at Tübingen university. Based on a specific word from God, they then founded a new church south of Stuttgart in 1995 following a practice-oriented Bible school training. From the beginning, many people gave their life to Jesus there and supernatural healings and miracles happened.
Along the way, Georg also completed his doctorate at the Wagner Leadership Institute of Professor Peter Wagner (Colorado Springs) and Irina completed her “Master of Ministry” at the same institute.
Since about July 2010, the Glory Life Center with Pastor Georg & Irina has been experiencing an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which is evidenced in an ever increasing manifestation of the presence and glory of God in the services they lead, accompanied by an abundance of signs and wonders, some of which are extremely spectacular.
These manifestations of God now also accompany them in their ministry in a wide variety of places nationally and internationally.
Pastor Georg & Irina’s passion is for the Body of Christ worldwide to receive a fresh and deeper revelation of God that enables us to fulfill our supernatural calling as „sons of Glory“ in and for this world.
They are also convinced that wherever the clear and full gospel is proclaimed and thus the glory of God is manifested in purity and power, the harvest is reaped and millions of people will have the chance to receive the new life in Jesus Christ and discover this deep satisfaction, fulfillment and destiny God has prepared for them!
Moreover, it is especially Pastor George’s passion that the life of the church in the supernatural dimension of the Holy Spirit is sustained by a theologically solid biblical foundation, which he enthusiastically and joyfully lays with great clarity and precision.
Through the fact that Pastor Georg and Irina have had the privilege of getting to know various different movements of God in the last 30 years and have been involved in several of them to some degree through ups and downs, God has also allowed a wisdom to mature in them, on the one hand to discern and avoid extremes and spiritual pitfalls, and yet on the other hand to make room for the full, supernatural work of God to be experienced in power and glory in the midst of the church of Jesus Christ!
Pastor George is also the author of the books “Journey into Glory”, “Sons of Glory”, “Restoration of all things” and “50 Glory Life Lessons“.
Core Team
Main Preacher Team
Our main preaching team regularly takes on preaching services at the various Glory Life centers.

Georg Karl
is the main leader of the “Glory Life” network. He is an internationally sought after speaker as well as the author of the books „Journey into Glory“, “Sons of Glory” and “Restoration of all things”.
His calling is to lead the people into the highest Glory realms of God through the preaching of the full gospel of Jesus Christ, and to train them for a supernatural lifestyle.
Pastor Georg’s fresh messages saturated with the spirit of love and joy are accompanied by extraordinary displays of power and miracles.

Irina Karl
like her husband, has been in full-time ministry for Jesus for 29 years, and is co-founder with him of the Glory Life Network.
Irina is a strong prophetic encourager who uses her faith-filled sermons to introduce people to the heart of God and activate them into their lives as supernatural world changers.
Pastor Irina also leads the worship ministry of the Glory Life Network, has written countless inspirational songs in German and in English, and has released several popular worship CDs.

Christian Schilling
is married to Monika and has 3 children. He preaches at Glory Life and teaches in the Glory Life School. In addition, he leads the Glory Business Lounge together with Pastor Georg and leads the Glory Life children’s ministry as well as the youth group “Connected” together with other leaders. Together with his wife they started the family ministry at Glory Life and are contact persons for young families in the church.
Professionally, he is a division manager in a software company.

Andreas Göcking
is married to Silke and has four children, some of them already grown up. He preaches at Glory Life Zentrum, leads services, teaches the sons & daughters of God in the power of the Holy Spirit and serves on the healing team.
As far as work is concerned he is the leader of an out-patient nursing ministry.

Astrid Bauer
is married to Wolfgang and has two grown sons. She has been preaching in a very refreshing way at Glory Life centers for years and has been active in the healing ministry for a long time. She also has a special gift of mentoring people on finances and other important life issues.
She is the initiator of the “Counseling & Prayer” telephone ministry and is employed by Glory Life to oversee the Glory Life School as well as administrative and organizational duties.
Complemented by additional
Full-time employees

Tobias Knipp

Sabrina Weber
Evangelism, organization
Other employees

Andreas Hornung

Hans-Peter Benzing

Sarah Adetola

Micha Ströe

Jutta Stephan

Christine Mose
leader at Glory Life Hamburg
Pastoral Team Stuttgart
Our pastoral team (alongside with our leaders Georg and Irina Karl) is ready to serve you with personal counseling and prayer concerning your personal spiritual walk with God, difficult life situations or specific areas of your life (like marriage & family, finances, job etc.). All the members of the team have been important pillars and ministers at “Glory Life Zentrum” for years, and have been ordained to their ministry function after specific training and ongoing supervision.

Andreas Göcking
is married to Silke and has four children, some of them already grown up. He preaches at Glory Life Zentrum, leads services, teaches the sons & daughters of God in the power of the Holy Spirit and serves on the healing team.
As far as work is concerned he is the leader of an out-patient nursing ministry.

Roland Motzer
is married to Irme and has one son and three grandsons. He has a pastoral anointing on his life and a real heart of love for people. For years he has been ministering faithfully at Glory Life Zentrum and is a part of the healing team.
As far as work is concerned he has been until recently the CEO of a medium-size company.

Irme Motzer
is married to Roland and ministers in a strong prophetic anointing. For years she has been preaching at Glory Life Zentrum and together with her husband forms a prophetic-pastoral team, through which many people already have received direction, deliverance and release.
She is also active in the healing team and until recently has been the CEO-assistant in the company led by her husband.

Astrid Bauer
is married to Wolfgang and has two grown sons. She preaches in a very refreshing way at Glory Life centers and has been active in the healing ministry for a long time. She also has a special gift of counseling people on finances and other important life issues.
She is the initiator of the “Counseling & Prayer” telephone ministry and is employed by Glory Life to oversee the Glory Life School as well as administrative and organizational duties.

Tobias Knipp
is married to Valerie und worked for several years as a photographer and a jobmanager before he got employed in the media and IT department of Glory Life. He also serves in the youth and the young adults ministry, teaches at the Glory Life School and preaches in Glory Life services.

Valerie Knipp
is married to Tobias and is a high school teacher by profession. At Glory Life, she teaches in the Bible school and is also an anointed worship leader who also receives her own songs from God. Her heart also beats for the youth and young adults whom she serves together with her husband and for whom both are contact persons in a special way.

Christian Schilling
is married to Monika and has 3 children. He preaches at Glory Life and teaches in the Glory Life School. In addition, he leads the Glory Business Lounge together with Pastor Georg and leads the Glory Life children’s ministry as well as the youth group “Connected” together with other leaders. Together with his wife they started the family ministry at Glory Life and are contact persons for young families in the church.
Professionally, he is a division manager in a software company.

Monika Schilling
is married to Christian and mother of 3 children. Her heart beats for worship. She also leads the family ministry at Glorylife with her husband Christian and is part of the children’s ministry as well as the evangelism team. Together with her husband she leads the Gloryhouse in Lorch.
Her profession is as a medical assistant.

David Hausch
is married to Svetlana and father of five children. In the church he is active in the steward service and works with Svetlana among Ukrainian refugees. Together with his wife, David is the contact person for Russian-speaking people at Glory Life.
Professionally, he works for a large automotive supplier.

Swetlana Hausch
is married to David and mother of 5 children. She works as a social worker for Ukrainian refugees and is the contact person for Russian-speaking people at Glory Life together with David. She is a passionate intercessor, responsible for our physical well-being in the “Café of Good Words” and shares with Tetyana the management of the “Café of Encounter” for Ukrainian visitors and their friends. She also manages two Glory houses and is part of the evangelism team.

Dr. Michel Guth
is married to Christiane, together they have five daughters and an international extended family. Michel was born in Alsace, France. After working for two years as a doctor in a mission hospital in Chad, he has been working for decades as a specialist in anesthesiology in the hospital. As a sideline, he founded and led a free charismatic church with Christiane for 15 years. Today he runs a Glory house with his wife. His heart burns to lead people to Jesus and to strengthen them in their faith. He loves the Word and the Spirit of God, teaching and preaching. He also burns for the nations.

Christiane Guth
is married to Michel. Together they have five daughters, five sons-in-law and currently 14 grandchildren. She was born and raised in Alsace/France, a former teacher, and has lived with her husband in Baden since 1978, where they run a German-French Glory House. Before that, they led a free charismatic church for many years, of which they were founders. Christiane is an enthusiastic worshiper with a deep longing for the glory of God and loves to prophetically encourage people to seize their God-given potential.

Tetyana Podobyed
is a graduate in business administration (FH) and works as a product manager in a large automotive company.
She is active in the healing and deliverance ministry at the Glory Life Center and also runs the “Café der Begegnung” together with Swetlana Hausch.
In Stuttgart she leads a Glory House. Her heart burns for revival in the Ukrainian, Russian-speaking area and throughout Europe. At Glory Life she is especially the contact person for people from Ukraine.
Glory Life is a Christian evangelical free church network whose ministry is based on the fundamental creeds of all Christian churches and the basic values of the Reformation.
We believe that in the Bible, and only there, we find the infallible Word of God in all its depth and richness in written form. This Word of God is the sole basis for all our personal, family and community life. The Word of God proclaimed through us (both spoken or written) must therefore always be within this binding framework and must not contradict it.
It is important that the entire Word of God always remains in view and that individual biblical passages are not considered in isolation (Ps 119:160 “The sum of Your Word is truth”)!
We believe that Jesus Christ is the center of the Word of God, that outside of Him there is no salvation, and that the most important goal in human life is to come to know Him ever more deeply as our Lord and Savior, and through Him to know and so love the Father deeper.
Without Jesus, man remains a partaker of fallen nature and goes towards eternal, complete remoteness from God.
With Him and in Him heaven opens to man in all His fullness, glory and perfection – beginning already here and now and for all eternity!
He as a person and the gospel (“good news”) given through Him is the central interpretation key for the whole Bible, Old and New Testament.
We believe in the inseparable Trinity of the divine persons Father, Son (Jesus Christ) and Holy Spirit, which constitutes God in absolute completeness and depth and contains all His essential characteristics.
We believe that nothing more can and needs to be added to the finished work of Jesus Christ to bring every human being into His perfect divine destiny in the power of the Holy Spirit.
This work began with the birth through the Virgin Mary, unfolded in Jesus’ sinless life here on earth, and was completed in His vicarious suffering and death, as well as His victorious resurrection and ascension into heaven to the right hand of the Father, where He awaits in intercession for us His bodily return to earth, the millennial kingdom that will follow, and the re-creation of heaven and earth.
We believe that a person who comes into fellowship with Jesus Christ is justified, recreated, and sanctified into a life of sonship that is completely conformed to the life that Jesus exemplified and continues to exemplify in heaven.
Through the infilling of the Holy Spirit and His appointed ministry of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, this sonship is activated in us so that through us here on earth the reality of heaven and thus of the risen Christ can be made visible in all areas of life – in love, joy and freedom!
Signs and wonders are the automatic accompaniment of such a life.
The whole creation is yearning for the manifestation of these sons of God (Romans 8) and it is the greatest fulfillment for a human life to enter deeper and deeper into this new life!
We see ourselves as part of the one, cross-denominational, worldwide Body of Christ, each member of which is in need of the other.
We want to learn from other members of the Body of Christ and at the same time serve the Body as well as the world with what has been entrusted to us.
For the service of our founders
We appreciate and love Georg and Irina Karl as outstanding pioneers in the Kingdom of God. They stand for sound teaching with Jesus as the one and only center, and they have an apostolic love for the whole Body of Jesus Christ.
Georg and Irina Karl are two followers of Jesus who really believe the Word of God, take it seriously and walk in it and experience that God keeps what HE promises. Their blessed ministry is a blessing in the Kingdom of God and a joy for the Lord and His children on earth. May your ministry still find great favor with God and the people and open the eyes of God’s children for the breadth, width, height and depth of God’s love.
It has been my privilege to know Georg and Irina. Together they share a heart and vision to see the Kingdom of God manifest on Earth. I highly recommend you take the opportunity to get to know them.
Georg and Irina Karl are one of the most cutting edge pioneers in expanding the Kingdom of God across Germany, Europe and the nations with healings, miracles, signs and wonders following. They are also some of the most loving ministers with high integrity that I have ever met and I am privileged to count them as friends.
Recommendations for the book
“Journey into Glory”
I always consider it an honor and a privilege to write an endorsement for a book when its central message is one that resonates in my own spirit. Such is the case with Pastor Georg Karl’s new book,“Journey in to Glory”. An important message it conveys is, in essence, that the Gospel of the Kingdom is not merely a historical gospel; rather, the Word of God is alive,real, and active today. (Hebrews 4:12) In the beginning, God created mankind in eternity within the atmosphere of His glory, later revealed that Glory on earth through the person of Jesus Christ, and today invites us to become carriers of the Glory and manifest it for the world to experience.
God is using Pastor Karl, along with his wife Irina, to expand the Gospel of the Kingdom of God that Jesus Christ preached and demonstrated in Germany, as well as internationally. Pastor Karl makes the point that the Great Commission of God, given to us by Jesus, can only be carried out effectively by the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. With the sense of urgency that comes once we discern that Jesus will soon return, the Body of Christ must know that we are all called to be witnesses of Jesus – as the sons and daughters of God of all ages, races, and nationalities – that not only speak of Him but that also demonstrate His Glory and power in a tangible way through salvation, transformation, healing, deliverance, miracles, signs, and wonders of every kind. I recommend this book,“Journey in to Glory”, to leaders and church members alike as the revelation in this book, received and applied by faith, will undoubtedly touch, change, and transform the lives of all who receive it.
I am the “heavenly man”, brother Yun, a former house church leader in China and co-founder of the overseas “Take the Gospel back to Jerusalem” movement.
Pastor Georg, the author of this book, is a leader of worship and prayer. With his own testimony and the revelation and enlightenment that he received from the Lord, he will truly take you on this journey of the Glory of God.
Among the western pastors that I know, Pastor Georg and his wife are one of the couples who have the holiest hunger. He is so convinced by God’s promises and absolutely desires to see the glory of God.
I also see in him the apostolic and prophetic calling and positioning of the Lord. When I got my hands on the Chinese translation of “Journey into Glory”, I was immediately touched by the Word of God. The Scriptures that Pastor Georg used in his book opened up to me many fresh revelations, therefore from the depth of my heart they inspired me to have great divine hope, expectations and more hunger for God’s holiness and glory. I, your brother and companion in the suffering of the kingdom and the patient endurance in Christ, strongly recommend this book “Journey into Glory” to Chinese churches
This book is on the cutting edge of what God is doing today in this fresh move of God’s Glory Harvest across the earth! I have personally ministered with George both in his congregation and on the streets with him in Germany as the atmosphere of the glory he has developed in his life and ministry made it easy to flow in the supernatural glory of God with signs following and souls saved.
I can truly say that he is the ‘real deal’ and a true friend having also spent time together in each other’s home and praying often for each other.
Very few carry the true Glory of God on the earth as he does.
I can personally attest to the love, joy, Christlikeness, the faith, healings, signs and wonders and glory that flow freely from George and his wife Irina.
I have lived and ministered in the glory for many years yet I was so blessed and refreshed reading this book I could not put it down and read it almost entirely in one reading. No matter how long you’ve known the Lord, this is a must-read for anyone that wants to be part of this fresh new move of God on the earth as it will literally change your life!
If living in the manifest presence of God’s Glory is your ultimate desire, Pastor Georg Karl has provided a superb blueprint of how this is attainable . . . An excellent resource and a revelatory book which I will be sharing with many of my personal and ministry friends.
It is a joy for me to endorse Pastor Karl’s wonderful book on the subject of the Glory of God! You will be blessed and inspired to seek God on a much deeper level in your life as you read this book.
In his book “Journey Into Glory” my friend and author Georg Karl bares his
heart with a candid view of his struggles and victories in his passionate pursuit for the Lord and His Glory. Not only is this ‘every mans’ story’ in microcosm, but it also compels us to make it our victory as well. I am impressed and moved with the continued transparency and tenacity of both Georg and his wife Irina as they consistently march on with expectation and hope.
There is much to be gleaned from these pages for anyone who is hungering for more of God’s Glory in their lives. The way may be fraught with misses and at time seeming defeat, but the key is never quit!
I’ve witnessed first hand their passion and unceasing zeal for the Lord and I have been blessed by their mission and ministry.
Take hold of the truth in these pages and you will save yourself a lot of wasted effort and receive keys to unlocking the mystery of God’s Glory for your own life!
Recommendations for the book
“Sons of Glory”
Christians around the world are increasingly experiencing the supernatural world and the glory of God. The more we desire and expect God’s glory, as Georg Karl describes well in this book, the more we will experience it in reality. For what Jesus said to Martha, he also says to you and to me: “…if you believe, you will see the glory of God…” (Jn 11:40)
Sons of Glory is a masterpiece and a must read for anyone hungry for the next level of the Glory of God and the Awakening! George manages to piece together key aspects of the ‘Greater Glory’ and Awakening as most seem to miss focusing on just one aspect. This books ties in all the pieces together in a perfect symmetry of the heart and strategy of God to launch you into the fullness of your destiny and the Glory of God!
In Germany there are many good teachers, even some anointed teachers. But there are few teachers who write from the heart of God, which means prophetic, apostolic words. Georg Karl is one of these few teachers. His book will therefore not only fill your mind, but will touch your soul and revive your spirit.
God is raising up people in the earth that have both the vocabulary and insight into the glory realm. My friend, Georg Karl is one of these people, and his book “Sons of Glory” will be used worldwide to bring forth this dimension with a manifestation of great awakening. You need to read this book and allow it’s deep truths to be planted like a seed in your spirit. Your greatest harvest is awaiting you as you connect with this truth and receive the divine DNA to position you as Sons of Glory.
This second work by Pastor Georg Karl sets new standards for understanding the true greatness of Christ’s redemption. Just as Paul in the Epistle to the Ephesians prayed fervently for the believers that the eyes of their hearts might be opened to recognize the richness of the glory of God’s inheritance in the saints, so in this book Pastor Georg has succeeded in making the answer to this prayer possible in our time.
Those who immerse themselves in the lines of this book will grow in their awareness of what heritage belongs to them in Christ. They will hardly recognize themselves because of the increased glory that has developed through faith in the revelation of this truth.
The revelation of the glory of the Lord is increasing more and more, and God is about to choose and equip “sons of glory” who walk in close fellowship with the Father and do the works of Jesus. This is exactly what Georg Karl clarifies in this book, written under an enormous anointing, theologically profound as well as practically realizable in its simplicity.
I believe this book is a word to our generation.
Read it with an expectatant attitude and a hungry heart – and your Christian life can rise to a complete new level.
I would like to thank Georg Karl for this remarkable book, which I would like to describe as “strategically positioned”.
The apparently so firm and unshakeable situation in our western world is facing dramatic spiritual upheavals. Centuries-old fortresses and strongholds, ungodly philosophies and systems that have stubbornly resisted the expansion of the kingdom of God will be increasingly pushed back and will eventually fall. For the Lord has promised that the whole earth will be filled with His glory – and German-speaking Europe is no exception here either.
The emergence of God’s children living in true (!) sonship, who understand their identity in Christ and put it into practice, and who move forward in real authority and power, will bring about these radical changes.
We are moving into extraordinarily exciting, challenging times increasingly flooded by the glory of the Lord. What a privilege to be a part of this!
Believers can fall into error by chasing signs and wonders rather than being empowered as a sign and wonder through the consciousness of being an eternal son. I was blessed and inspired with the revelatory teaching of Dr. Georg Karl’s book “Sons of Glory”, especially reading about becoming true children of God. We can change the world through dreams and visions by pulling the invisible into the physical realm.
With this new book by Georg Karl you hold a key in your hands that opens up wonderful realms of understanding the tremendous heritage that the “Father of glory” has entrusted to his sons and daughters. I really enjoyed following the writer’s explanations, immersing myself in his wealth of experience and being encouraged by the extraordinary testimonies of signs and wonders.
I am certain that the knowledge that we as sons of God are also sons of glory will result in an “exceedingly great army” of passionate lovers of God rising up to serve the Lord and glorify Him in life or death.
The author knows how to awaken faith in the reader that a life “in the glory of God”, that is, a life “lived from his manifest presence”, is the answer to what Jesus did on the cross, so that we can be bearers of his glory.
How else is the whole earth to be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord (Hab 2:14) if not by the revelation of the sons of God?
I hope that the passion to permeate the world with the Kingdom of God will become more and more a trademark of the “sons of glory”, as they have bound themselves in harness to the God of glory, who says of himself that he gives us future and hope.
May this pilgrimage through the wonderful glory rooms inspire you, dear reader, and enable you to do what Jesus also did in his glory: heal the sick, comfort the sad, proclaim the gospel, raise the dead and carry the Father’s love everywhere. “…that we … might be for the praise of His glory.” (Eph.1:12)
What always impresses me about Georg and Irina Karl is their constant, focused and passionate way of chasing after the glorious things of God. For many years now and through some challenges, they have remained faithful. This you can sense in Georg’s book “Sons of Glory”! With great clarity and clear focus, but also with wonderful balance and perceptible years of experience, he takes the reader into the heart of God, so that precisely this heart can become visible through you and me. This book is part of the message that God is making visible with momentum in these times: In Christ we are victorious children of a glorious God who wants to show all his beauty through us!
Recommendations for the book
“The Restoration of All Things”
I am fascinated by the playful lightness, theological clarity and linguistic fluency of this booklet. Here a theologian and mature spiritual leader enters the stage of Christianity and opens a spiritual dimension that we have not known before. The dimension of glory. The fact that the author does not “take off” is due to the indissoluble connection of Christians with the way of Jesus: Jesus’ way, which includes the cross and dying as well as the resurrection, the outpouring of the Spirit and, as a conclusion, the exaltation to glory. The key to understanding this story of salvation lies in the fact that Jesus did all this vicariously for us,that means that we were included in him in every phase of his journey from the cross to glory. It is captivating how Georg Karl then also plausibly presents this way of Jesus historically for the development of the whole church, which again and again triggers an astonished “Aha!” in the reader. Rarely have I seen such a groundbreaking book of such brevity.
When I met the wonderful couple Georg and Irina Karl a few years ago, I soon had the impression that they live on a spiritual level that many pastors and most of us who call ourselves “Christians” have not yet come to know. So it is with great gratitude and deep joy that I write this recommendation today: this book appears at the right time, namely at the beginning of the revelation of God’s glory to those who live by faith and not by unbelief. Jesus himself said, “I have come that you may have life, and have life more abundantly.” And this “fullness” begins in a person’s spirit through a purified heart and a life fully surrendered to God! In the Word of God we also find the promise: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and it has not entered into the heart of man what God has in store for those who love Him with all their heart.” Anyone who reads the Book of Haggai will realize that the coming glory (after the Lord of all lords has shaken everything there was to shake!) will surpass anything mankind has yet seen and experienced. A well-known evangelist once said, “Give me five people who love God more than anything else and hate sin more than anything else, and I will change the world with them!” Georg and Irina Karl are such people. And whoever has in his heart the deep desire to change this world so that the dream of God can be realized, namely that his kingdom comes and his will is done on earth as it is in heaven, should read this book and let himself be seized and set free by the truth that sets free and the love that heals and by the life that fulfills – JESUS CHRIST – to become a permeable vessel of God through which the Holy Spirit can make the kingdom of God visible and recognizable in this world. I, for one, want to belong 100% to this new generation of redeemed people through whom the Father in Heaven is glorified, through whom thousands of people experience the goodness and love of God and who, in doing so, also experience for themselves the fullness of joy that the currently still prevailing egoistic and self-centered worldview could never give, but which is intended for real Christians, pure in heart, in the Kingdom of God and Body of Christ.
Georg Karl spans here from the beginning of creation to our just started third millennium after Christ’s birth. He takes us on a crash course in church history, showing where we are as Christians in God’s calendar. He does so with honor and respect for the movements that preceded us and draws the path of restoration of fundamental divine truths. I think this little book is very big. Anyone who wants to do the greater works with Christ should read it. It encourages precisely not to get lost in activities, but to enter into the divine rest of faith. The statement that God does nothing for you that you think you can do for yourself is certainly a challenge for some. But at the same time, it shows the way to do the greater works and burn without being burnt. In this regard, I wish every reader, a life in the “divine smoke vapor”. After all, my friend Georg Karl, who walks like few others in the German-speaking world in a life of signs and wonders, or, as he would call it, glory, makes it clear again and again: “The world has a crisis, but God has a plan!
Imagine sitting in front of a cup of coffee and asking our author Georg Karl what the so-called glory movement is all about: Is it just a marginal spiritual (and fleeting) fad that comes from nowhere and is supported here and there by Christian leaders ?
Let Georg Karl put down his cup of coffee and let him take you on a fascinating time travel through church history – with all its ups and downs. In lucid From, George outlines how, over the centuries, the Body of Christ gradually rediscovered the various features and blessings of the full Gospel that underlie Jesus’ redemptive work… to finally arrive at the red-hot Glory Movement, whose biblically-based relevance, characteristics as well as central role for our time are convincingly laid out.
After having opened this brilliant book (which I hope will soon be available in as many French bookstores as possible!), several impressions arose in me: Respect for the Lord of the history of the world and of salvation (the greatest judge of men and the wisest pedagogue of all times! ), a sense of clarity (thanks to the biblical-prophetic and church-historical perspective that the author opens up for us) regarding the significant role of the glory movement, hopeful joy in view of the current and future manifestation of God’s glory… and last but not least, gratitude towards Bible teachers like Georg Karl, whose life and ministry are focused on following the Word of God as well as the cloud and fire pillar of His Spirit!
After a brief overview of the previous restoration movements, Georg Karl talks about the restoration of glory as the central theme of this book. It is a theme that also touches my heart very much. I, too, long for us as the bride of Christ to experience the glory of God in a whole new way and to begin to understand and realize what it means that Jesus has given us the glory that He Himself received from the Father, that we may be one as they are one (cf. John 17:22).
I believe that it is time for us as the church of Jesus to immerse ourselves anew in the glory that has been prepared for us. If you too want to experience this new glory level and understand why the restoration of glory is so important and why now is the time, I encourage you to read this book.
In addition to fundamental teaching, this book gives us an expanded view of the Holy Spirit’s work in our current times and clearly shows that the glory is open to the sons of God.
We are only at the beginning of what we can experience in the glory of God and much greater things await us. Be a part of it!