Learn that God is real and has a very personal plan for your life through Christ.
Be built up and encouraged for your daily life,
Experience inspiring and loving fellowship with people of all generations and social backgrounds,
and be led into the unfolding of your gifts and full potential in God!
Latest news
Upcoming Glory and miracle services as well as special events!
News from the Glory Life network
IAHM-Revival School on February 22nd and 23rd, 2025 Bergen/Norway
It was a huge privilege, to train hundreds of hungry sons and daughters of God from all of Scandinavia for revival, and therefore activate them for a supernatural lifestyle that manifests the glory of God here on the earth! Many miracles have happened during the...
Encounter-Weekend January, 17th-18th 2025 in Bad Boll
We have just finished two extremely powerful “Encounter Retreat” days in Bad Boll - the place where Christoph Blumhardt pioneered deliverance and healing in the 19th century. So many people experienced how God cleansed and delivered their souls and healed their...
“In Centrul Slavei Lui Dumnezeu” – available now
“At the center of glory”, the third book by Pastor Georg Karl, is now also available in Romanian in our local Glory Shop in Filderstadt, via Amazon or online at https://shop.glorylife.net/ for €14.95.
Welcome Glory Life St. Pölten/Austria!
A special event in the Glory network: Yesterday, the Glory Life Center in Filderstadt hosted the ordination of Michael and Michaela Pichler as pastors of Glory Life St. Pölten/Austria. For this special moment, a whole part of the Austrian congregation traveled all...
Conference “Worship&Miracles” 22nd-24th November 2024 at Glory Life Zentrum
A few more impressions from this extraordinary weekend with Katie Souza, Steve Swanson, Glory Life Worship, Pastor Georg and Irina Karl and many other wonderful servants of God. A life-changing experience ! Thank you Jesus, and thank you all the co-workers and staff...
“Gloire et Réveil! – Paris/France 10th and 11st November 2024
A super amazing time in Paris at the "Gloire et Réveil" conference with so many powerful men and women of God and over a thousand hungry sons and daughters of God.
Select a location for more information!
St. Pölten (AT)
Glory houses
Experiencing the glory of God in your local area at various locations in a small group setting: Worship, Word of God, Healing & Deliverance, Fellowship. Personally experience the love of God. Refuel with strength. Experience miracles. Be inspired and motivated in good fellowship. A whole new way of life is waiting to be discovered by you…Everyone is welcome – no matter what religious, cultural or ethnic background.
Current events
Café of encounter for all ukrainian and russian-speaking refugees and their friends!
Connected Teens (13-17 yrs)
Glory service Stuttgart
Glory Life intensive night
“Treasure hunting” – evangelism outreach in Filderstadt
About Glory Life
The leaders and the Pastoral Team
Learn more about the founders and leaders of the Glory Life Network as well as the Pastoral Team.
What we believe
The Glory Life Zentrum e.V. is a Christian evangelical free church whose work is based on the fundamental creeds of all Christian churches, the faith basis of the Evangelical Alliance and the basic values of the Reformation.
Here you will find endorsements and recommendations from international and national men and women of God.
Glory Harvest International
From Glory to Harvest
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation!” said Jesus to His disciples.
And that is exactly what we do- not in our own power and wisdom but out of the direct encounter with God and His glory! In the glory we are equipped with the necessary power and receive His divine wisdom and guidance.
This is our mission – this is the heartbeat of Glory Harvest!
You can find the latest public sermons on our Youtube channel
Pastor Georg with Sid Roth
All services
at Glory Life Network can be found in our media library
Glory Life School
grounded in the Word of God – equipping in the Glory Life
Books & Worship CD’s
All books by Pastor Georg Karl, more books by Glory Life + all worship CDs by Pastor Irina Karl
“I thank my God in all remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.”
(Phil 1, 3-5)