About Glory Life
Leaders Glory Life Network

Georg and Irina Karl have been married and serving God in full-time ministry for about 26 years.
Initially, they studied Theology at Tübingen University. After that they completed a practically-oriented bibleschool training. During this time God gave them a specific word whereupon they pioneered a new church in the area of Tübingen/Reutlingen in 1995. From the beginning, many people gave their life to Jesus there and supernatural healings and miracles occurred.
On the side Georg also obtained a doctorate degree at Professor Peter Wagner’s Leadership Institute (Colorado Springs) while Irina finished her Master of Ministry there.
Since around July 2010, the Glory Life Zentrum with Pastor Georg & Irina has been experiencing a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit that manifests itself in an ever increasing revelation of God’s presence and glory and is accompanied by an enormous load of sometimes extremely spectacular signs, wonders and miracles.
These miraculous demonstrations of God also occur now in their national and international ministry in many different places.
Their passion is that the body of Christ worldwide receives a fresh and more profound revelation of God that enables us to fulfil our supernatural calling as „sons of Glory“ in and for this world.
Pastor Georg & Irina are convinced: Wherever the glory of God manifests itself in purity and power, the harvest is reaped and millions of people get the chance to receive the new life in Jesus Christ and to discover the deep satisfaction, fulfillment and calling God has prepared for a son or daughter in Christ!
This is why not religious severity or boredom but powerful, heavenly joy, love and freedom accompany their ministry. Through them many many people encounter the real touch and work of God for the first time and learn to reach their full potential in Christ.
As Pastor Georg and Irina have had the privilege throughout the last 26 years to get to know many different movements of God and be a part of some of them through their ups and downs God has allowed them to mature in the wisdom to discern and avoid spiritual pitfalls while on the other hand making room and enabling the Body of Christ to experience God’s full work in power and glory in our midst.
Pastor Georg also is the author of “Journey into Glory”, published in 2015 (English 2017) and „Sons of Glory“, published in English in 2019.
Pastoral Team
Our pastoral team (alongside with our leaders Georg and Irina Karl) is ready to serve you with personal counseling and prayer concerning your personal spiritual walk with God, difficult life situations or specific areas of your life (like marriage & family, finances, job etc.). All the members of the team have been important pillars and preachers at “Glory Life Zentrum” for years, and have been ordained to their ministry function after specific training and ongoing supervision.

Andreas Göcking
is married to Silke and has four children, some of them already grown up. He preaches at Glory Life Zentrum, leads services, teaches the sons & daughters of God in the power of the Holy Spirit and serves on the healing team.
As far as work is concerned he is the leader of an out-patient nursing ministry.

Roland Motzer
is married to Irme and has one son and three grandsons. He has a pastoral anointing on his life and a real heart of love for people. For years he has been ministering faithfully at Glory Life Zentrum and is a part of the healing team.
As far as work is concerned he has been until recently the CEO of a medium-size company.

Irme Motzer
is married to Roland and ministers in a strong prophetic anointing. For years she has been preaching at Glory Life Zentrum and together with her husband forms a prophetic-pastoral team, through which many people already have received direction, deliverance and release.
She is also active in the healing team and until recently has been the CEO-assistant in the company led by her husband.

Astrid Bauer
is married to Wolfgang and has two grown up sons. She preaches in a very refreshing way at Glory Life Zentrum and has been active on the healing team for a long time. Besides that she has a special gift to counsel people concerning finances and other relevant life matters.
She has initiated the telephone ministry “Counsel & Prayer”.

Tobias Knipp
is married to Valerie und worked for several years as a photographer and a jobmanager before he got employed in the media and IT department of Glory Life. He also serves in the youth and the young adults ministry, teaches at the Glory Life School and preaches in Glory Life services.

Valerie Knipp
is married to Tobias and works as a secondary-school teacher. At Glory Life she teaches in the Glory Life School and is also an anointed worship leader who receives her own songs from God. Her heart beats for young people and young adults and she serves them together with her husband.